Candle & Bible

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Prayers for Protection

I dwell in the bright divine light,
All goodness is attracted to me for my highest good.
I am attuned with divine love and wisdom.
I give thanks for the divine light.


I am in the light and of the light.
I am the awakened Christ.
I feel no evil.
Nothing can get in.
No one can.
In Jesus name, all is well.


May the Blessing of God rest upon you.
May God's Peace abide with you.
May God's presence illuminate your heart,
Now and forever more.


Xex Dodeo Nascimur - From God we are born
In Christo Morimur - In Christ we die
Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus -
Through the Holy Spirit we come to life again.


In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God,
and the word may it dwell in my heart,
in the heart of my being, in my eye.


Each and everyday through Christ in me,
My mind, body and spirit are transformed
into a resurrection of my True Being,
Through Christ in me.


Flying Dove

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Chief Seattle courtesy of Draac's Gif 1-2-3
John 3:16, Jesus, Lord's Prayer & Flying Dove courtesy of 321 Clipart
Midi courtesy of Midimight

Tetragrammaton animation

John 3:16


Chief Seattle

Tree of Life

John 14:17

Psalm 113:3

Lords Prayer

Psalm 19:1