Eva Yaa Asantewaa - Radical Magick
Eva Yaa Asantewaa can trace her family roots in spirituality and the
paranormal back to her maternal grandfather whose interests
included astrology, yoga, Theosophy, magnetic healing, and mind
science. ("I never knew of my grandfather's early studies and
activities until after his death when I inherited many of his old
books," she says, "but obviously, it's all right there in my DNA!")
A native New Yorker of African-Caribbean lineage, Eva maintains
a private practice that includes Tarot-based counseling, channeling,
shamanic journeying, dreamwork, energy healing modalities, and
meditation coaching.
While studying at Fordham University where she received her B.A.
in Communications (1974), Eva was introduced to Jungian
psychology and the "mind games" techniques created by
Robert Masters and Jean Houston. She also studied Community
Health Education at Hunter College School of Health Sciences and
received the Hunter College President's Award for HIV/AIDS
Creative and Scholarly Work, First Prize, 1992.
Through Radical Magick (formerly Spirit Crossroads, which she
founded in 1992), Eva has produced and facilitated workshops and
special events sponsored by nearly 45 health and social service,
spiritual, feminist, people of color, and
gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender organizations in the New York
metropolitan area. Among these are the New York Open Center's
Womanspirit Journey program, New York Theosophical Society,
The Tarot School, College of New Rochelle, Healing Works,
Rivington House, New York State Conference on Women's
Health, Riverside Church Wellness Center, Women's Health
Education Project, and Women's Rites Center.
Eva's poetry appears in The Zenith of Desire: Contemporary
Lesbian Poems about Sex (ed., Gerry Gomez Pearlberg, Crown,
1996), Does Your Mama Know? An Anthology of Black Lesbian
Coming Out Stories (ed., Lisa C. Moore, RedBone Press, 1997),
Queer Dog: Homo Pup Poetry (ed., Gerry Gomez Pearlberg, Cleis,
1997), Isis Rising: The Goddess in the New Aeon
(ed., Denise Dumars, 2000), Brooklyn Review, Kuumba, Starfish,
WV, Tempus, The Isis Papers, and the Pegasus Dreaming, Star
Leaper, and Pedestal Magazine Web sites. She has read at
numerous venues including the Brooklyn Museum, the Lesbian and
Gay Community Services Center, and A Different Light Bookstore,
including three collaborations with dancer-choreographer
Nadine Helstroffer and trance meditations with drummers
Bernadette McGowen and Panamá. She has completed her first
collection of poetry, your weight on other worlds.
Since 1976, Eva has published dance journalism appearing in Dance
Magazine, Soho News, and The Village Voice, among other print
and online publications. She has interviewed performing artists,
choreographers, and artistic directors and evaluated dance
organizations for the New York State Council on the Arts, the
National Endowment for the Arts, and other arts funding
organizations. As a WBAI radio broadcaster (1987-89), she
worked with the Women's Radio Collective and the Gay and
Lesbian Independent Broadcasters Collective (OUTLOOKS), and
co-hosted the Tuesday Afternoon Arts Magazine with Jennifer
Bernet as well as producing her own specials. Eva publishes
DancingWorld -- www.yahoogroups.com/group/DancingWorld --
a biweekly eNewsletter devoted to Tarot, psychic and spiritual
development, and creativity, founded in January 2001.
To submit books or decks for review by Eva, please send them to:
Eva Yaa Asantewaa
Radical Magick
PO Box 1133, Peter Stuyvesant Station
New York, NY 10009
To submit a listing to publicize your Web site, list, or other activity in STARWEB a feature of every issue of Dancing World or to subscribe to Dancing World, send no more than 5 sentences plus your URL and/or email address to DancingWorld :
Please do not send email with file attachments. Please
note that all listings are subject to editing. She cannot guarantee
publication of any listing, particularly those promoting local events
or time-sensitive announcements.
Radical Magick: Eva's Private Services
Tarot counseling; Spiritual counseling; Numerology; Non-invasive dreamwork; Meditation coaching; Guided imagery coaching; Shamanic journeying; Psychic development coaching; Therapeutic Touch/Reiki; Gift certificates
In A Circle of Friends
Eva Yaa Asantewaa will teach a six-week introductory Tarot
course for you and a minimum of 3 of your friends at your home or
another location of your choice. The course includes unlocking the
secrets of structure and imagery, practice layouts and readings, and
Tarot meditation. (Intermediate or advanced training classes are
also available.) Finally get the support and resources you need to
set out on this powerful journey of self-discovery. Fee $125 per
student, pre-paid; New York City metropolitan area within 1-hour
commute only.

Eva's Website
Black Angel Tarot Review (c) Eva Yaa Asantewaa
Tarot and the Art of Life (c) Eva Yaa Asantewaa
Dancing World E-Zine

This page was created April 16, 2002 and updated December 17, 2003.