Karen in a warm, intuitive, compassionate reader. She reads Medicine Wheel cards with confidence and eloquence and combines her skills with Reiki and Crystals to further enhance her readings. She has tremendous creative ability and her ability to create beauty in her craft work, readings and jewellery is a further expression of her tremendous spiritual resonance.
Angels are everywhere. They manifest their love through every heart, every honest smile, every act of kindness, every constructive thought. Their signature is in everything that grows, every selfless desire, every playful pirouette of every soul.
Seek an angel with an open heart and you shall find one. Angels may not always come when you call them, but they come when you need them.
An angel is someone who helps you believe in miracles, again.
Sometimes you know angels only by the miracles they leave blossoming in their path, after they are gone.
An angel is someone you are always happy to run into.
An angel is someone who raises your spirits.
An angel is someone you feel you have known forever, even though you have just met.
Anyone who helps you grow is an angel.
Angels make you feel welcome in this world.
Angels encourage your best qualities and hidden talents.
Angels give you those gentle pats on the pack you sometimes need to keep you young.
Angels give you direction.
Angels gently push you out of your little self and into the broad arena of love.
Angels remind you that you are enough.
Angels help you see your life in a better light.
An angel is someone who brings out the angel in you.
If we were all a little more like angels. Earth would be a little more like heaven.