A card can be one of the most beautiful gifts a person could receive. Unfortunately, with cards there tends to be a short period of time in which to display and share them. You can't leave birthday cards out for months and months. You could frame one or particular beauty and relegate the rest to a scrap book. Christmas and Yule cards come in a beautiful variety of colours, sizes, messages and images and it seems wasteful to put them in a box, discard them or paste them in a book.
If you are looking for a project to make use of that box of cards sitting gathering dust, you might like this idea. You need a few items: old Christmas or Yule Cards, scissors, glue, string/ribbon or ornament hooks, a sturdy piece of cardboard, a math set compass or a glass to make a circle shape, a pencil and a ruler or straight edge. Optional items: a paper punch to make a hole in the top of the ornament for stringing or hooks.
Using the compass or a glass with a 3 -4 inch diameter, draw two circles on the cardboard. Taking the ruler, make an equilateral triangle inside one of the circles making sure the points of the triangle meet the outer edge of the circle. Cut out the triangle and the other circle.
Take your box of greeting cards and choose images, signatures or sayings that compliment each other. Using the circle as a guide, place it over the part of the card you want to preserve and draw around the circle. Cut out the picture, signature or saying. You need four circles for each ornament. When you have four that you would like to use, place the triangle on top of the picture, signature or image. The image should be facing you, and fold the edges of the card outside of the triangle over the edges of the triangle. Take your four ornament pieces making sure the images are upright and glue the flap on the left hand side to the right hand side of the next piece. Three pieces make the top of the ornament and the final piece is glued on the bottom. You can glue in your piece of string or ribbon as you are assembling the ornament or use the paper punch to make a hole and add an ornament hook after.
This is an excellent family project and very small children can participate in as well. The ornaments look really lovely on a tree or hung on plants in the home during the holiday season.