The ESP Test by Atham-Z (c) 2001

As featured at the
Tarot Canada Spring Spirit Workshop Festival

Atham-ZHere are 14 test questions to help you determine if you may be psychic. You can answer these with yes and no answers, and we will talk about scores at the end of the test.

1. Do you sometimes know who is calling before you pick up the telephone?

2. Are there times during conversations when you know ahead of time what someone else is going to say?

3. Do you occasionally experience a sense of "deja vue", the feeling that you have previously experienced something, or have already seen something that is happening to you?

4. Are animals attracted to you, and/or do you silently communicate well with family pets?

5. Are your dreams sometimes prophetic, or a help with problem solving?

6. Do you ever know ahead of time that the phone is going to ring, or that someone is about to enter your office or knock on your door?

7. Have you ever had a presentiment of an unexpected death or other tragedy before it occurred, or simply had a sense that something was wrong and subsequently discovered that you were correct?

8. Have you ever seen or heard or been touched by a ghost?

9. Have you ever shared thoughts or emotions with a close relative or friend over a long distance without using traditional methods of communication, such as telephone or mail?

10. Have you ever "heard" someone else's thoughts in your mind?

11. Do you have periods of heightened sensitivity to noise, lights or crowds?

12. Do you regularly sense the feelings of other people?

13. Do you ever manage to see "things" such as lights or illuminations out of the corner of your eye, usually around other people and animals?

14. Have you ever sensed someone or something around you when you were physically alone?

If you have answered all fourteen of the questions affirmatively, your psychic potential is nearly unlimited.

A score of between eight and thirteen 'yes' answers, places you in the high range of definitely having some psychic skills.

A score of five, six or seven means your ESP powers are lying just under the surface of your consciousness and can be easily called upon to help you achieve your desires and life goals.

All is not lost if you scored four or lower, it just means that you will have to work a bit harder to open your psychic channels and realize your full ESP potential.

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Atham-Z's booklet "How to Develop Your Psychic Skills - for the Novice and the Professional" is now available by clicking here.

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This page was updated August 8, 2006.