Blessing Prayer from Book of Shadows (c) Nanci Bern 2012
Thought for the Season
At this time of year there is so much rampant commercialism and so many people in tough economic straits. We often feel a tremendous pressure to give, or have an enormous desire to receive. There can be stress to the point of distress and a sense of failure can permeate us when we know that it just isn't a possibility. It is important to remember that giving of yourself is more important than any material gift. Please don't forget to support Tarot Canada by clicking on the double underlined links; it will throw some pennies in our jar. Thanks!
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed Yule Season to all! Happy New Year!
We would like to say a special welcome to Rhiannon Faulkner and her family who have recently moved to Canada. Rhiannon Faulker is the creator of The Faulkner Tarot, .: www.rhiannonfaulkner.com/ :.
It is with great delight that Judith Mackay Stirt, the brilliant artist and creative force behind The Cook's Tarot, and myself, Cheryl Lynne Bradley, dysfunctional eccentric tarot reader, writer and lover, are combining forces on a new Cook's Tarot project. I will be writing the accompanying book for the full 78 card version of The Cook's Tarot. The first piece, The Fool: Le Pointe Vierge, is featured in this issue. This project has been queried to a publisher so we are hopeful to see it published next year! I am thankful and honoured that Judith has asked me to participate in this.
For your reading enjoyment.....
Please click on the title to view the complete article. All of our writers love a little feedback so take moment to let them know you enjoyed their article. Please note that articles that leave this site will open in a new window; articles built on the site do not, use your back button to return to the newsletter or return to the homepage where there is a link to this issue.
Solstice December 21,2012 A Portal Opens (c) Bonnie Moss, Golden Cup Cafe 2012
This date has stirred so much emotion, confusion and anticipation around the world. So many
felt threatened by the forecast of doom and gloom. It is not surprising that resourceful and
enterprising groups found an opportunity for profit, capitalizing on the fear and naivete of so many.
Hollywood did its share of fear-mongering.
Tarot Apocalypse Dialogue (c) Pamela Steele, Steele Wizard Tarot 2012
Wikipedia: Apocalypse: To ‘reveal’ or ‘disclose’. From Ancient Greek (ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning 'un-covering') 'apocalypse' is a revelation of something hidden. In religious contexts it is usually a revelation of hidden meaning - hidden from mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception. And therefore, many people misconstrue the word apocalypse to refer to any so-called End Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general.
This presentation is written to dispel any reservations you may have about the coming 'end'. Further, to disclose some core truths about tarot and how its designed to help you create a new life and rewrite your personal Story.
The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! (c) Nefer Khepri, Ph. D., R. M-T, Magickal Musings 2012
I’m writing this in response to the TON of emails I have been receiving asking me if the world is ending on 12/21/12. There’s a lot of utter baloney circulating about the “end of the world” on 12/21/12. Noting mainly the Mayan calendar as “proof” Time as we know it will end.
2012 Judgment, Key XX & The Hanged Man, Key XII:
The Mystery of Redemption
© Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
Judgment, Key XX is a card of cosmic fatality; individual discord brought into order by fate. It symbolizes The Last Judgment, discernment and both moral and intellectual freedom as well as the separation of good and evil. It represents changes in our existence and reminds us that we will all be judged for our actions. The Hanged Man, Key XII, represents the Cardinal Virtue of Prudence; it represents foresight, discretion, forethought, reason, wisdom, circumspection, skill, good judgment, perfection of the intellect and providence. The Hanged Man also represents accomplishing the Great Work within oneself; this is the “Magnum Opus” of Hermeticism, Alchemists, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. Eco-theologian Thomas Berry in his book, “The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future” interprets The Great Work to be people working together and creating overarching movements, “that give shape and meaning to life by relating the human venture to the larger destinies of the universe." He sees a world in which we can transform our relationship with nature from being destructive and exploitive to being beneficial to both; a radical redemption that would save the mystery and celebrate the wonder of the natural world.
What is this Tarot thing? (c) Nanci Bern, In-Sight Healing 2012
Looking at the pictures from Superstorm Sandy that are splayed all over the media, I realize that they are becoming part of my mind. My receptors are being bombarded with images that cause distress and my brain begins to react to them like they are a drug. I am compelled to look as though I cannot get enough. Am I becoming addicted? Is this like a form of nicotine that makes you need a fix? At first my brain could not take it all in.
The Third Eye: Fact, Myth or Legend? (c) Bonnie Moss, Golden Cup Cafe 2012
The eye is the observer of reality - or the illusion of reality.
Anyone who practises or dabbles in meditation,chakra healing and other beliefs is familiar with the
concept of the third eye. Is it a concept? Not too many can really activate the third eye. It takes years
and years of dedicated meditation to get a passing glimpse of the third eye. To me, it is a curiosity.
The Tarot Night Before Christmas (c) Joanne Matthew 2012
`Twas the night before Christmas and the elves were all busy
Filling orders for tarot decks had them in a tizzy!
Dreams of Christmas (c) Marta Martin 2003-2012
Is there any other holiday so filled with dreams and
references to dreams? "...I'm dreaming of a White
Christmas..." "...as visions of sugarplums danced in
their heads..." Each year we revisit the music and the
pageantry of the Nutcracker Suite -- a story inspired
by a young girl's dream of her nutcracker doll.
Time (c) Atham Z 2003-2012
Recently having lost a loved one from my family, and
now coming up to another new year, I was halted in
my reading and my thoughts by the need to
contemplate these Biblical verses. Birth of course is
the first step on the road to death, but when death
touches our lives, we are forced to directly face our
own aging and mortality. The only way to survive the
pain of life is to joyfully celebrate births and actively
grieve at wakes for deaths.
Sometimes A Poem (c) Kathleen O'Neil 2012
Sometimes I feel so all alone
Sometimes I want to die
Sometimes I wish I had a friend
Sometimes, I just cry
The Cook's Tarot | The Fool: Le Pointe Vierge (c) Judith Mackay Stirt (Artist) and Cheryl Lynne Bradley (Writer) 2012
The Fool in the Tarot must leap and in order to leap properly, one must begin in a dancing position. We once thought that the movement of the planets was like a dance. Japanese traditional dances were strongly linked with cosmology; the dance of the young girl; the dance of the red skirts; and the dance of five movements which was performed the first time a female angel came down from Heaven.
Bridging Social Rifts with Moral Psychology (c) Cynthia Sue Larson, Reality Shifters 2012
While we often picture visions of holiday celebrations as joyous gatherings of family members sharing traditional food and festivities, the reality can be less happy and more stressful. One of the most stressful aspects for many people during the holidays has to do with getting together with family members with different political and/or religious views. There’s a reason we’ve been cautioned against talking about politics or religion with those holding different views, and it has to do with the way few such discussions end up very well. But why can’t we talk about some of the things we care so much about?
“The Alchemy of Tarot: Practical Enlightenment through the Astrology, Qabalah, and Archetypes of Tarot” by Juno Lucina, Illustrations by Shannon ThornFeather
Foreword by Lon Milo DuQuette
Schiffer Books ISBN: 978-0-7643-3710-9 $34.99
A Review © Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
By her own description Juno Lucina is “Ever fluid and changing. Juno is more a verb than a noun, more a blank canvas than an outcome. She wishes that All awaken from Wichnu’s dream, to see All That Is. Juno is just a Story pointing the Way.” This book is based on, and inspired by, a re-ordered Tree of Life as conceived by Frater Achad 1886-1950 (a student of Aleister Crowley) in his writings Q.B.I., The Egyptian Revival and The Chalice of Ecstacy. Frater Achad (Charles Robert John Stansfield) created a new working system of the Qabalah which was at odds with both Golden Dawn and the teachings of Aleister Crowley; this lead to a schism and the development of two schools of Thelemic thought. This work would be of great interest to anyone who enjoys this level of study in the Tarot.
The Fool: Pilgrim on the Road, Poor Wayfaring Stranger
(c) Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
The Fool in the Tarot always seems so blissful, nonchalant and innocent as he sets out on his journey; he is sans soucy, without worry. He has no cares for what tomorrow might bring, he lives in the moment. He has nothing but a small bag of provisions, the clothes on his back and a little dog yapping at his heels. By all appearances, his journey could be by choice but fate and chance will always play a part. We shouldn’t let ourselves be fooled by The Fool; he has a good game face and he isn’t letting us know the exact circumstances which have caused, or forced, him to leap or be pushed into action. The Fool takes the risk of falling or flying when he leaps. He seeks joy and acceptance and he seeks them because he can.
Proving Reincarnation (with a Method Anyone Can Use) (c) Stephen Sakellarios, M.S., In Another Life 2012
To state the obvious, in order to prove reincarnation, you have to find a genuine past-life match that's provable. It's like finding your fingers and toes - you definitely have them, alright. But finding a past life that's provable - meaning, to anyone besides yourself - is the real challenge.
Tarot Deck of Heroes by Richard ShadowFox ISBN 978-0-7643-4024-6 $24.99 US
Schiffer Publishing
A Review © Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
“Knights and Pirates and Rogues – Oh my!” proclaims the header on the back of the magnetic hinged box which contains a tarot deck of pure romance that would put a Harlequin Romance to shame. It is packaged with a LWB which contains nicely phrased divinatory meanings for both upright and reversed positions. As you shuffle through this deck you can almost hear Enrique Iglesias singing “I can be your hero baby”. They say behind every cynic hides the soul of a true romantic. All the fairy tales and the once upon a times with the handsome prince or a knight in shining armour that all women grew up listening to come together in this beautifully darkly rendered tarot deck. Women want their own way and you can never give a man what he wants; he always wants an unattainable perfection and needs that edge in his ego to sustain his progress in life.
Stolisomancy: A Divine Sense of Fashion (c) Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
Stolisomancy is a form of divination, or augury, related to articles of clothing and the act or manner in which we dress. There are many omens and superstitions associated with clothing and dressing. We have all heard the expressions “Clothes make the man.” Or “Dress for Success.” Clothing is considered to be the external manifestation of our spiritual identity. Clothing was thought to assume the prestige or the power of the wearer. Our clothing can indicate our profession or belonging to a group which makes them a powerful symbol of belonging; he casting off of these clothes or uniforms is also a powerful symbol of breaking these ties or abandoning a community. Our clothes indicate to others our social status (or lack) and our social life; it is a reflection of how other people see us.
Tarot Christmas and Yule Gift Ideas
This started out to be a few ideas for gifting that I was going to include at the bottom of the newsletter - but then, the list got a little long and I thought it deserved it's own page.
The Kingdom Within Tarot
By Juno Lucina and Shannon ThornFeather
ISBN: 978-0-7643-3711-6 $34.99 US
Schiffer Publishing
A Review © Cheryl Lynne Bradley 2012
“Remove spiritual blindfolds” is the message on the back of the box of The Kingdom Within Tarot. Nicely packaged in a magnetic box with a substantive companion volume, the Kingdom Within Tarot has been created to “help you reclaim your own personal truth.” This book and deck set draws heavily on Qabalah, astrology, myths and universal archetypes which will “guide you in remembering and reawakening to the absolute and the divine.”
Previous Issue: Volume 14, Issue 2
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