Pathetic Fallacy by Mary Karr
When it became impossible to speak to you
due to your having died and been incinerated
I sometimes held the uncradled phone
with its neat digits and arcane symbols (crosshatch,
blackstar) as if embedded in it
were some code I could punch in
to reach you. You bequeathed me
this morbid bent, Mother.
Who gives her sixth-grade daughter
Sartre's "Nausea" to read? All my life,
I watched you face the void,
leaning into it as a child with a black balloon
will bury her countenance
either to hide from
or to merge with that darkness
Small wonder that still
in the invisible scrim of air
that delineates our separate worlds
your features sometimes press toward me
all silvery from the afterlife, woven in wind,
to whisper a caution. Or your hand on my back
shoves me into my life.

John 21:18 (NIV)
18. I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.
In Memoriam
| Kevin Brent Bradley |
| Lila Eva Bradley RN |
| Kristian "Charlie" Hansen |
| Susanna Van Zijl |
| Gerhardt "Gerd" Altendorf |
| Phil Charbonneau |
| Atham Z | | Marta Anne Martin |
| Jean-Marc Belanger | | Gib Bradley |
| Matthew Berthelette |
| Sharon Burrows |
| Joyce Timmins |
| The Colours of Death |
| Jesus Is Gathering Buds |
| River Hills Hold the Water |
Lila Eva Bradley RN
October 1, 1932 - July 11, 2010

BRADLEY, Lila Eva (Timmins) RN OCH 53B October 1, 1932- July 11, 2010
Peacefully at Carleton Place Memorial Hospital Sunday, July 11, 2010. Beloved wife of Dalton E, Bradley for 55 years. Devoted mother and everlasting strength to Brian, Cheryl Lynne and Brent. Adoring grandmother of Jesse, Evangelynne, Chance and Brittany and great grandmother of Alysha and Aaron. Predeceased by her parents,Herbert Timmins and Eva Brown, and her sister Joyce Timmins. Lila will be sadly missed by her brothers Austin (Zita), Bert (Marion) and Ken (Gail) and by her dear friend Joyce Hobbs (Craig). She will be held in high esteem by her many sisters and brothers-in-law. Lila will be fondly remembered by her nursing colleagues at CPMH where she nursed for 38 years (Retired 1997) and her many friends from her graduating class in nursing at OCH. Lila devoted her life to helping the sick and injured in her caring and unselfish way and will be remembered appreciatively by her many patients. A memorial service will be held at St James Anglican Church, Carleton Place on July 20, 2010 at 11 a.m. Followed by refreshment at the Carleton Place Legion.
A tribute to the "Lady" in white.
We shall pass through this world but once, therefore we should not defer nor neglect it for we will not pass this way again.
Just call her Doc.

Well known, respected nurse passes away after battle with brain cancer
Posted Jul 22, 2010 BY EMC NEWS
EMC News - When Lila Bradley retired in 1997, after many years with the Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital, the profession lost one of its most respected and dedicated nurses. When she passed away last week, her children, Brian, Cheryl Lynne, Kevin, and her husband Dalton lost a devoted and caring mother and wife.
It was only a few months ago that Lila was diagnosed with brain cancer, and like every other challenge she faced in her life, she chose to fight it in her own way. Given the option of a poor prognosis, or having treatment, which would only prolong her life marginally, her comment to the doctor was "let's get at it." But this was one challenge she could not meet, succumbing to the disease with her characteristic dignity and grace.
Joyce Hobbs, who trained at the Ottawa Civic Hospital with her, and shared an apartment, was with her at the end. "I will always remember how she faced her disease. She never once said, 'poor me', there was never one word of whining, and was always in good spirits," she said.
Hobbs said Lila was a nurse who was completely dedicated to her patients. "She would never take a shortcut in care. And it didn't matter who came in, the rich the poor, the famous, the ordinary person, they were all treated the same."
Lila Bradley will long be remembered as the nurse who refused to give in to the newer dress code of today's nurses. She went to work every day, complete with white uniform, stockings and shoes, and her nurse's cap, which she wore proudly in spite of everyone around her in pants and coloured tops.
"I never once knew her to wear slacks to work. And she always said nurses lost their identity when they gave up their whites and caps," her husband Dalton said.
Dr. Donald Ferguson of Carleton Place had nothing but praise for the work ethic of the nurse he came to rely on so often in Emergency. "She was totally professional. And nothing could cause Lila to lose her cool. She never got flustered, and you could always depend on her to be compassionate and completely efficient. She always knew exactly what had to be done, and that's what is so important to the doctor on call in Emergency," he said.
Lila was born in Pakenham to Herb and Eva Timmins, and besides her children and husband of 55 years, she is survived by three brothers, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
A memorial service was held at St. James Anglican Church on Tuesday, July 20.

Funny You Should Ask
February 2010 issue of Forever Young Newspaper
Q: When did nurses stop wearing their lovely crisp white uniforms and caps, and is there a nurse anywhere in our region who still goes on duty in full regalia?
A: This turned out to be a fun question to research. Nurses who come on duty in full dress are few and far between, but we were able to find a couple throughout Eastern Ontario. First of all though to answer the first part of your question. Switching to coloured and patterned “smocks” and pants of every hue, and leaving their caps at home, took place in the early to mid eighties. Someone told us it was because the all-white uniforms and caps frightened children. We weren’t able to confirm this story. But it would appear it was in the eighties that the changeover took place.
However, there are a few places where the all-white uniform and starched caps are still the order of the day. Lila Bradley, who nursed at the Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital for years and retired only a decade ago, came on duty wearing her whites and caps until the very last day.
A call to the Ottawa Civic Hospital also has at least two nurses who are clinging to tradition and come to work in their white uniform and caps. Likewise at Hotel Dieu in Kingston, one nurse who has retired but fills in on an occasional basis comes in full nurses’ regalia...white uniform and starched cap.
Although the nurses who have given up the uniform and cap say they are happy with the change, many people with whom Forever Young talked miss the uniform and cap which spoke of efficiency and professional training. As one person said, “I can’t tell the nurses from the cleaning people...I really miss seeing them in their caps and uniforms. When I was sick and had to go to a hospital, I felt I was in good hands when a nurse treated me who was dressed in a spanking white uniform and cap and wore the pin presented to her when she graduated. I don’t like the change one bit.”

Mom wanted me to support this: Carleton Place High School Reunion
June 2, 2012
July 22, 2010
Dalton and Family
Danaka and I are so sorry for your loss. She will always be remember as a bright light and a wonderful person.
it was an honour to have called her a friend.
Sue and Danaka
Sue Robertson,
Nepean, Ontario
July 20, 2010
Cheryl & Family:
Thinking of you during this difficult time. xox
July 19, 2010
Mr Bradley and family...My heartfelt condolences. Lila was nursing in CP when I gave birth to my three boys and you and she were great landlords to me and my boys later on in our lives. I have fond memories of her. A great lady
July 19, 2010
Dear Dalton & Family:
Please accept on condolences in the loss of Lila. Our fondest memories were when she was a nurse at the C.P. Hospital in Emergency, and wore her white nursing cap in pride and also a wonderful, caring and dedicated person.
Gayle & John (Robinson) Doxtater,
White Lake, Ontario
July 19, 2010
Brian,Cheryl,Brent & Families
You are in my thoughts at this time.
Take care,
Linda G.
July 17, 2010
Dalton and family.
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Lila.You are in our thougts and prayers at this difficalte time.
Keith and Marilyn Wood.
July 16, 2010
Dalton and the Bradley family.
Sorry to hear about the loss of Lila, your best friend and life partner. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
It will be comforting to you and your family to know that fond memories of Lila will endure forever.
Glen and Arlene Johnston, Calgary Alberta.
July 15, 2010
Our sincere condolences to the family.
She will be missed by many.
Mike and Monic Doyle/Winter,
Richmond, Ontario
July 15, 2010
Cheryl and family.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Friends always Claire, Terry, Nathan, Mike and Kayla.
Claire Bourque,
Ottawa, Ontario
July 15, 2010
Our sincere condolences to the family. A very beautiful lady.
Bill & Kathy (Moulton) Ogg-Moss
July 15, 2010
Cheryl and Family we send our deepest condolences your way. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Lots of Love
The Berthelette Family
Crystal Berthelette,
Kanata, Ontario
July 15, 2010
We are so sorry for your loss.
Cathy and Ed Marvin,
Carleton Place, Ontario
July 15, 2010
Brian, Cheryl and Family,
My deepest sympathy in the loss of your Mom.
Mike and Lori Clifford (Hodgins),
Carleton Place, Ontario
July 15, 2010
I wish to send condo;ences to Dalton Bradley on the passing of Lila, classmate at OCH.My sincere condolences to you and your family, Dalton
Doris Beach
July 15, 2010
We have lost a wonderful person-my deepest sympathies in your loss. She will be missed.
nancy sonnenburg,
carleton place, Ontario
July 15, 2010
Sorry to hear of Lila's death,she always gave the best to her patients and looked so professional with her white cap,our thoughts are with you all,she will be missed .
Wayne & Ruth Munro,
Carleton Place, Ontario
July 15, 2010
July 15, 2010
Dalton and Family, our deepest sympathy in the loss of your dear Lila. The memories and experiences we shared over the 30 years we worked together at the hospital will always be remembered in fondness for a loving, caring nurse, wife and Mother. Lila was a mentor when I first began my career and couldn't have been kinder. She will be missed.
Gail and Guenter Grabe,
Westport, Ontario
July 15, 2010
Deepest Sympathy to the family. Lila was a very special lady.
Lila Eva Bradley RN October 1, 1932 - July 11, 2010