My friends
The year 2003 will have these representations: from Astrology regency will be from the Sign of LIBRA and TAURUS and also the domain of the VENUS planet, it will be the year of the SHEEP in the Chinese Year (on Feb 01), and also the Kabalistic influences are from Major Arcana 05, the High Priest and the Arcana 08, The Justice.
This represents one Year of Peace, Happiness, Love, Justice and Wisdom to know the difference between the right and wrong choices in our Life.
These influences give to Mankind the chance to repair the mistakes from the past and to walk with “real” maturity for prosperity.
The intention is to stream the good influences from Astral influences
The Energetic Baths makes your “AURA” stronger”, giving the wisdom to solve your problems in relation to loss of energy, you can use this herbal bath, 9 times, in January 2003 with the intention to clear his Aura, giving the Balance between mind and body energies.
Angelica or Thyme
Star Anise
Clove ( 9)
Take a portion of each kind of Herb, put in a pan with 2 liters of water, let it boil for 10 minutes, after that strain it, add some cold water to get a good temperature, and take your normal shower, use this Bath on your body from your shoulders down. Do not use in your head ( because the Central Chakra).
If you prefer you can use the Oils or Essences :
Ř Rosemary - clear your Aura
Ř Jasmine - protection against the “bad energies”
Ř Clove - Healing
Ř Mint - give balance in your mind and body
Ř Eucalyptus - relax your stress
You can choose the essence and mix 8 drops with water in your incense burning, or one little pan, use it in your home or office, and also to make the bath ( one liter of water and 12 drops), but always take that from your shoulder until your feet.
For protection against the “bad energies” from jealous persons, you can put 12 drops of JASMINE essence ( if oil just 8 drops) in one little glass with half of rock salt, change that in 3 days,and feel the difference in your place. When you chang this salt, please mix water and clear the glass with some alcohol, before you renew the essence.