Epworth Sleepiness Scale
By Lisa Orr RSPGT
© Centre for Sleep and Dream Studies 2003
We accumulate a sleep debt when we are sleep deprived. The greater the debt, the greater the need for sleep. Not getting enough sleep or having a sleep disorder may prevent you from eliminating this debt.
The best way to measure your sleep debt is to measure your level of daytime sleepiness. The following scale was developed at the Epworth Hospital Sleep Disorders Unit in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is used widely in sleep labs all over the world. This scale should give you an idea of your level of daytime sleepiness and your sleep debt. If you have a high debt, see a sleep professional for a referral to a sleep lab to rule out a sleep disorder.
0= would never doze
1= slight chance of dozing
2= moderate chance of dozing
3= high chance of dozing
Please indicate your chances of dozing in the following circumstances:
______ Sitting and reading
______ Watching TV
______ Sitting, inactive in a public place
(e.g., a theatre or a meeting)
______ As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break
______ Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit
______ Sitting and talking to someone
______ Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol
______ In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic
Evaluation of your score:
0-5 Slight or no sleep debt, congratulations you are gettig enough sleep.
6-10 Moderate sleep debt, most people today score in this range.
11-20 Heavy sleep debt, you should see a sleep professional and stop driving your car.
21-24 Extreme sleep debt, stop driving your car and see a sleep professional quickly.