Amuse your Kids with Psychic Games
(c) Atham Z 2004-10
When the summer vacation becomes too much free
time for your children, or the weather doesn't co-
operate to allow the kids to amuse themselves, it is
interesting and fun to play psychic games with kids.
Children often have excellent natural psychic abilities
although they are not usually fine tuned. Playing psychic
games with your children can help the both of you
strengthen your psychic abilities.
Here are a sampling you may wish to try:
You need: deck of regular playing cards.
Shuffle the cards well. Select one card at a time and
hold it up facing you. For beginners, have your child
try to determine just the colour of the card. As they
advance, they may be able to visualize the actual
card - it's suit and value.
You need: paper, something to draw with.
Have your child sit down and clear their head of all
thoughts. Tell them you are going to think of something
and that you are going to try and send the image to them.
Tell your child to draw on the paper whatever pops into
their head. See how it relates to what you were projecting.
*This is a great game to do in reverse. Have your child
try to send an image to you.
You need: an object belonging to your child. (Preferably
something they often play with or use).
Hide the object somewhere in your home. Tell your child
what you hid and in what room (for beginners). Let the
child try to sense where it is. Help them out by telling
them if they are getting "hot" or "cold" as they search for
You need: small objects belonging to yourself, other
family members or your child's friends.
Have your child hold the object in their dominant hand.
Tell them to close their eyes and feel the energy coming
from the object. Ask them to tell you how the object
makes them feel. What other things do they sense from
it? See if what they say matches up with the personality
and experiences of the person who owns it.
You need: journal and pen.
Upon waking, have your child think about any dreams
or visions they remember having. While it is fresh in their
mind, have them write it down in their dream journal. Have
them include how it made them feel, any sounds they heard,
textures or temperatures they felt.
Both of you can analyze the dream for meanings. This is
a great way to probe the secrets of their subconscious.
Have your child look for recurrent themes. Try to pinpoint
what symbols mean what, in your child's dreams.
Make the exercises fun and comfortably time consuming.
Remember we only have these kids with us for a few
short years, and the happy hours they remember with
you may be recounted by them to future generations.
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