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More Tarot Card Layouts: Seven Crows Tarot Layout;
Seven Crows Tarot Layout |
The Sorrow | The Joy | The Wedding | The Boy | The Silver | The Gold | The Secret, never to be told |
The sadness of the situation | The happiness of the situation | Relationships and unions | Children and Inner Child | Unexpected Good in a negative situation | The Wealth of Spirit | What is known but is beyond expression |
Wounds of the Embodied Soul Tarot Layout |
Wound 1: To Desire Personal Greatness. What does success mean to me? |
Wound 2: To Take. What is being taken without reciprocity? |
Wound 3: To Keep. What is being kept or held on to? |
Wound 4: To Advance. How will I advance? |
Wound 5: To Hold On To At The Expense of Others. What or Who am I holding on to that could be blocking progression? |
Remedy & Enrichment Tarot Layout |
Fame | Health & Happiness | Pleasure & Indulgence | Friends & New Beginnings | Relationships | Children & Family | Wisdom & Experience | Wealth |
Build Your Reputation | Find Your Still Centre for Tranquility | Enjoy Life & Have Fun | Make Room For New Things To Grow | Quality Time With Partner | A Safe Place | Learn & Grow | No More Junk |
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Future Endeavours trimestriel est disponible comme une autorisation à base opt-in e-mail liste, l'inscription est au-dessus de boîte, ou comme un groupe Yahoo. Les anciens numéros sont archivés dans le groupe Yahoo
ou à la page d'index maître. Anglais seulement.
Cette page a été mise à jour 2010-08-12 Updated