Sundogs, Mock Suns or Parhelia
(c) Atham Z 2006
Sundogs are a small rainbow near the sun: a small spectrum of light
occasionally visible in the sky at the same altitude as the sun, either to
the left or right of the sun and sometimes on both sides simultaneously
They are a bright coloured spot on a parhelic circle, often seen in pairs
and caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere diffracting light.
[Mid-17th century. Via Latin from Greek parelion , from para "beside" +
helios "sun".] Encarta® Reference Library 2004.
Now that winter is approaching (or has arrived) in the Northern Hemisphere,
it seems an appropriate time to share information about this year round,
but ice related phenomenon. These spots are caused by light refracted off
ice crystals in our atmosphere. Sundogs are visible when the sun is near
the horizon and on the same horizontal plane as the observer and the ice
crystals. As sunlight passes through the ice crystals, it is bent 22
degrees before reaching our eyes. This bending of light results in the
formation of a sundog. If the flat ice surfaces are horizontal to the
viewer, s/he sees a sundog, but if the surfaces are random, a halo is seen.
Of course our forefathers interpreted these visual phenomena as signs from
God. Once a miraculous sign was reported it was followed by an
interpretation, which usually ended up appealing to the recipients or
viewers to repent and do penance, and prayer to God for His mercy on the
sinful people. This pattern was applied to all mysterious occurrences
regardless of their individual nature; any inexplicable apparition was
interpreted as a manifestation of God's wrath over the sins of the
people. In the 17th century a variation developed concerning the
interpretation of the different miraculous signs. Regarding celestial
phenomena, there was finally an attempt to find a logical explanation for
them. In 1626, for instance, Caspar Fuld suggested that a sundog indicated
a weather change. Jacob Koppmayer in 1681, concluded that they generally
predicted rain. Koppmayer even tried to make an attempt to give
information about the natural cause of such apparitions.
It is not astonishing, therefore, to find that our early forefathers
carefully discriminated the various phenomena of sea and sky, and evolved
terms, full of real meaning, which have been passed down to us through the
generations, but now basically lack significance other than as items of
weather lore.