Summer Solstice Celebration - Saturday, June 21, 2003
3187 Eagleson Road, Richmond, Ontario
7:00 pm EST For the Meditation
Tarot Canada, its organizers, volunteers, members, friends and vendors, are not to be held responsible or liable for any theft, loss of possessions, injury or accident, physical or otherwise, which may occur during any Tarot Canada events or any events promoted on the Tarot Canada site. You are responsible for your own actions and conduct.
We had a perfect day for our event - the weather, the people who shared the day with us were all wonderful. The atmosphere and ambience here add a great measure to the quality of events that I host on our property - genuine people made the whole day unforgettable and powerfully healing. I took a couple of rolls of film and will be sharing pictures when I get them developed and scanned. I will hopefully have them up for the next issue of Future Endeavours which is due out for September 1. We are now working on the Pagan Picnic for September 13, 2003.
Fiona was a vendor and was selling Rainsticks and other items. Rainsticks are tubes running from 1 foot to 4 feet long, filled with beans or dried corn that make a wonderful rain noise when turned from end to end. They are very popular in South America where they use lengths of bamboo. Fiona uses another method, but the end result is the same. They are painted with everything from nature sprites, dragons,
mermaids, pentacles, butterflies and more.
Pagan Owl was a vendor that day and the winner of the Jade Pendant. He sells unique and original items created by friends such as Wiccan Meditation Wheels created by Mark of Carnac, who won the Rainstick graciously donated by Fiona, and
Rune Sets by Liz and Jeff.
Several promotional items beside the Jade Pendant were donated for our raffle: Sahara Software donated software, Tarot of the Sephiroth sent us "Magician" postcards to distribute, New Beginnings Music has sent us a CD. We also have two tarot books, "Tarot in the Spirit of Zen" was won by Fiona and donated by St. Martins Press. Thanks to Elizabeth Coen for the donation.
Carleton Pumping Services (613) 838-5500 donated the Portable Toilets for the day - Thanks! Magnum Roofing, Metcalfe, Ontario donated a T-shirt which was won by
We had some entertainment lined up for 9:00 pm - they are a young band called "Soul City" and willing to share with us for the evening. 489-Dave is arranging this and bringing his P.A. for our use. What would we do without Dave - the Hardwood Flooring Master of the Universe.
( Bob Marley )
( Fiona )
( Rob )
( Cindy )
( Cindy Vortex )
( Couple )
( Couple 1 )
( Drum )
( Drummmer Girl )
( Fiona and Friend )
( Mark of Carnac )
( Jean Marc and Lynn )
( Pagan Owl )
( Relaxing )
( Mirror )
( Mirrors )
( Sarong )
( Candlestick )
( Space )
( Fire Spirits )
( Spirit Fire )
( TC - Too Cute )
( Cheryl & Guitar )
A Brief Agenda
The Universal Peace Covenant
Peace is the breath of our spirit.
It wells up from within the depths of our being to refresh, to heal, to inspire.
Peace is our birthright.
Its eternal presence exists within us as a memory of where we have come from and as a vision of where we yearn to go.
Our world is in the midst of change.
For millennia, we have contemplated, reasoned, and practiced the idea of peace. Yet the capacity to sustain peace eludes us. To transcend the limits of our own thinking we must acknowledge that peace is more than the cessation of conflict. For peace to move across the face of the earth we must realize, as the great philosophers and leaders before us, that all people desire peace. We hereby acknowledge this truth that is universal. Now humanity must desire those things that make for peace.
We affirm that peace is an idea whose time has come.
We call upon humanity to stand united, responding to the need for peace. We call upon each individual to create and foster a personal vision for peace. We call upon each family to generate and nurture peace within the home. We call upon each nation to encourage and support peace among its citizens. We call upon each leader, be they in the private home, house of worship or place of labor, to be a living example of peace for only in this way can we expect peace to move across the face of the earth.
World Peace begins within ourselves.
Arising from the spirit peace seeks expression through the mind, heart, and body of each individual. Government and laws cannot heal the heart. We must transcend whatever separates us. Through giving love and respect, dignity and comfort, we come to know peace. We learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves bringing peace into the world. We hereby commit ourselves to this noble endeavor.
Peace is first a state of mind.
Peace affords the greatest opportunity for growth and learning which leads to personal happiness. Self-direction promotes inner peace and therefore leads to outer peace. We vow to heal ourselves through forgiveness, gratitude, and prayer. We commit to causing each and every day to be a fulfillment of our potential, both human and divine.
Peace is active, the motion of silence, of faith, of accord, of service.
It is not made in documents but in the minds and hearts of men and women. Peace is built through communication. The open exchange of ideas is necessary for discovery, for well-being, for growth, for progress whether within one person or among many. We vow to speak with sagacity, listen with equanimity, both free of prejudice, thus we will come to know that peace is liberty in tranquillity.
Peace is achieved by those who fulfill their part of a greater plan.
Peace and security are attained by those societies where the individuals work closely to serve the common good of the whole. Peaceful coexistence between nations is the reflection of man's inner tranquillity magnified. Enlightened service to our fellowman brings peace to the one serving, and to the one receiving. We vow to live in peace by embracing truths that apply to us all.
Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully.
We stand on the threshold of peace-filled understanding. We come together, all of humanity, young and old of all cultures from all nations. We vow to stand together as citizens of the Earth knowing that every question has an answer, every issue a resolution. As we stand, united in common purpose, we hereby commit ourselves in thought and action so we might know the power of peace in our lifetimes.
Peace be with us all ways. May Peace Prevail On Earth.
Created in 1997 by faculty & students of the School of Metaphysics
Sahara Software graciously donated software as a door prize and this was one by Kimberley. We had a 50/50 draw to raise money for The Mission. Fiona and the Mission both won $25.
Contact us for more information.

There are two festivals that were held over the summer near the
Ottawa area. Awakening Isis is a new festival, run by the same person who ran Terre Eau. Kaleidoscope Gathering has been around for years and will be at the same location a couple of months later.
Hope to see lots of you there!

Fiona has shared the following information with us:
A link to government site with info in regards to what to look for
and what you should know before purchasing insect repellent products.
Feel free to pass these links on to other fest or camping sites. For a list of other links in regard to insect control this is good too.
Higher Awareness
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This page was created May 30, 2003 and updated on February 15, 2005.