This year Ottawa will be trying to break the world record for largest Drum Circle, in order to break the existing record (set in Turkey in 2002), we need to assemble about 2500 drummers, and play a rhythmic ³piece² for about 5 minutes. A very big jam for about an hour will follow. The event will be held as part of UrbanFest on September 7 2003, in Confederation Park.
The way the whole thing will work is that there will be a lead drummer in the centre of the circle, with ten Master Drummers in a circle around him. Each master drummer will be responsible for keeping his/her section playing their part in the piece. Two types of people to register for this event:
People who want to be group leaders and just good old regular attendees. For their efforts, Group Leaders will get a free djembe commemorating the event.
Look for more info on this below. Everyone else is invited because we want anyone who has ever had drumming as part of their life be part of this historic event.
There is a $25 fee to register - and before you stop reading, you should know what that $25 is going towards. Each participant will get a colour T- Shirt that puts you in one rhythmic group, access to the rest of the Urbanfest Concerts and numbered certificate authenticating your participation. All money left over goes to an organization called friends without borders, whose mandate is to aid children affected by war and disease in Africa.
Check out the website and register soon. The event is guaranteed to
take place, but early registration assures that we will have the critical mass to break the record. You can get more info at Urban Music Festival.
What is desperately needed are some ambassadors for the event, people
who are charged about it and will really try and make it happen. For this we need not only enthusiastic people, but drummers. The responsibility of these group leaders is threefold:
First and foremost, group leaders will act as a sort of shepherd, being placed in a section of up to 300 drummers, they will make sure the group is followingthe leader and the pulse. Each section of 300 will be seated except the Shepherds, who will stand, and try their best to get the throngs following the lead drummer.
Second responsibility is to commit to 4-5 events prior to the Sept. 7 date for rehearsals and media promotions. The thought is that if the public sees 100 drummers on TV they will want to do it too. Unfortunately, there have been no dates set yet, but there will be about 10 in total.
Third, each leader will be responsible for 10 players to add to their group. This means talk it up with co-workers, family, friends, and get anyone and everyone to register. It doesnıt matter if they are drummers or not, just get them involved.
The urban music festival is getting a sponsorship from Pearl Drums for a deep discount price on 500 djembes. They will have some design on them commemorating the event. They will be trying to raise capital by selling these drums at the event and letting people use them there. As a thank you for this work, I have been told that you will receive one of these drums for free.
Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in this. A minimum of 5 people are needed for my group and they plan on having at least 3 leaders in each of the ten groups, so bodies are needed.
The person organizing this event is Leo Brooks, an awesome drummer in the Ottawa area.
Featuring group performances, ongoing audience participation, a marketplace, refreshments, and culminating in a group jam session. Bring your voice, your dancing shoes, your drum, or your lawn chair!
$5 for Adults, $2 students/seniors, children under 10 free.
Contact (613) 725-6994.
Baobab Tree Drum*Dance*Community
...where local energy meets global spirit
All-weather event!
Come see Leoıs first drums in his 2003 run (some new modelsı first time appearance). If you get there bright and early (10 - 11 am) you can even hearhim play with the fabulous Ottawa drumming group Rhythm in Progress!
Come by for a visit!
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This page was created May 27, 2003.