Gigi Miner has written for various newsletters and e-zines. She writes a monthly column, Moment to Moment, for The Meta Arts online magazine. Miner has been a guest on several online radio shows including The Universal Spiritual Connection and Calling All Authors as well as Writers in the Sky.
Miner's genre of novels leans toward supernatural mysteries. Card Shark is a supernatural murder mystery. The Fallen is a supernatural mystery similar to an Aesop's Fable-style story. Miner's characters come to life in her writing. The reader feels that they are transported into the book as they read.
Currently, Miner is working on another book.
To read an excerpt of Card Shark, click here (pdf file).
Cheryl: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Gigi: It's strange that I'm a writer who has not read very much. One writer I have read a bit of is Dean Koontz and his story telling abilities have always drawn me in, so I have to choose him.
Cheryl: What book are you reading now?
Gigi: I am trying to finish Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz. I only have a few pages left, but time will not allow me to get them turned
Cheryl: What are your current projects?
Gigi: I have a few in the works, which are stuck. One is a fantasy, the other a murder mystery, and another that I can't remember what it was about. Does that mean I have too many projects in que? I am also working on finishing my tarot deck and will have to then finish the LWB (little white book) which will likely be anything but little.
Cheryl: Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Gigi: Here is a card that I've not released for anyone to see yet. QP/Gaia
Cheryl: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Gigi: Sheer will and the incessant feeling that I was waiting for someone.
Cheryl: What does your family think of your writing?
Gigi: Those who even know that I write are quite supportive. Most probably have no clue that I do this.
Cheryl: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Gigi: For the writing? It's usually every morning that I can pull it off. If I don't feel it, I don't push it...much. ; )
Cheryl: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Gigi: I always like music on. I also pretty much obsess about it when not writing, so I'm always making notes and have scraps of paper all over the place with important information I may or may not ever use.
Cheryl: Do you have a specific writing style?
Gigi: By the seat of my pants? Meaning that I just start typing or writing and hope like heck that it makes sense when I'm done?
Cheryl: When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Gigi: I can't remember when I released Card Shark. 2000? That would make me 38 at the time?
Cheryl: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
Gigi: A diary. The first one had very little in it except the dates upon which I was "spanked" but eventually, when we had creative writing in school, that became an entire part of my life that I now couldn't live without. I found that it was easier to write my feelings than to say them and that became a wonderful door for character writing.
Cheryl: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Gigi: Write in my journal? I love to walk in the woods, tho' I've not had that pleasure in a long time. I like to sing and dance and play. I think I'm having my childhood now.
Cheryl: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Gigi: That someone would read them and actually like them. That the writing world is one, big clique and if you're not in the club you're going to fight like hell to get your works read. That some people are so helpful and others are so jealous and will block everything you do. I learned too much about human nature I think. More fodder for the character barn.
Cheryl: How did you come up with the title?
Gigi: Card Shark came from the character in the book. The Fallen I had before I wrote the book. Usually, I will wait until something hits me and the title tells me what it wants to be called.
Cheryl: Who designed the covers?
Gigi: I design my own covers.
![Card Shark Cover](CardSharkCover.jpg)
Cheryl: What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Gigi: Exposing myself in the pages. Yes, it's fiction and those characters aren't me, but there is still this undressing that takes place as you write.
Cheryl: What do you see as the influences on your writing?
Gigi: My husband the most. He encourages me and makes me think I can actually do this. Life in general is fuel to the fire.
Cheryl: What books have most influenced your life most?
Gigi: Soul's Code seemed to make a big difference for me. Can't remember the author's name, but it's a book I think everyone should read at some point. Very liberating. Oh, yeah, and mine. ; )
Cheryl: How has your environment/upbringing coloured your writing?
Gigi: I think that's where most of my dark parts originate. I can pull in the fear and the deep wounds and use them in various scenes that otherwise might not have as much bite.
Cheryl: Do you see writing as a career?
Gigi: I would love to. Right now, it's not happening, but if I could, in a heart beat.
Cheryl: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Gigi: No. I think The Fallen was written for a reason and even tho' there are major adult themes, the result is something that would not have been so potent had it not been so written.
Cheryl: What genre are you most comfortable writing?
Gigi: Supernatural fiction. I like to have the freedom to venture outside the boxes.
Cheryl: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Gigi: In The Fallen, yes. But you have to read it to get it.
Cheryl: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Gigi: Some. Some are purely imagination, others are at least loosely based on reality of some kind.
Cheryl: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
Gigi: I learned that I can do it. I learned that there is something within me that wants out...whether anyone else reads it or not.
Cheryl: Do you have any advice for other writers?
Gigi: Write for yourself. Forget the formulae that tell you to write for your audience. That's not writing. Writing is taking what's inside yourself and creating a verbal tapestry. One thread by itself is not very interesting, but when you figure out how to weave the tale and combine all the colors into something that pleases YOU, then you'll be proud of your work.
Cheryl: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Gigi: Keep reading? Buy more of my books? Seriously, "thank you" for seeing something.
Cheryl: Tell us your latest news
Gigi: I'm currently so busy with work and the lot that I've not written much besides my monthly Column, Moment to Moment on The Meta Arts. Speaking of which, I'd best get to the next one. For the writer, writing never stops completely. Even if it's just a quick poem or note to continue the thought in your journal. Writing is your life in so many ways. My husband has started his next book in his series. Actually, he has started three others in that series. If nothing else, I'm proud to have been a catalyst in his writing as it's quite likely he'll be the one whose writing is known and appreciated.