Brooms are often used for magic or ritual purposes.
Perhaps to invoke deities, banish negativity, or direct
energy through thought and intentions. In this day
and age they are very popular because of the "Harry
Potter" Quidditch craze.
You can purchase brooms in your local occult shop,
but they also can be found in a variety of surprising
places - antique and junk shops, swap meets, yard
sales and flea markets The broom is no more right
or special if you swapped for it than if you made it
or bought it new. In any case, whatever time and
effort you expend searching for or making your own
broom is well worth it
The old picture of the witch riding around on the
broom's stick when casting magic spells is believed to
have come from a agricultural fertility rite, where the
women rode around the fields (like on a hobby horse),
with the broom between their legs, hoping to bring the
farmers a good harvest.
Many pagan traditions have the bridal couple, jump
across the broom, a symbol of fertility (another old bit
of agricultural fertility magic), to signify the desire for
children and the establishment of their new household.
The brooms are usually decorated for the occasion and
then kept in a place of honor in the home. Historically,
brooms made great wedding gifts, just add a little ribbon,
some flowers, and no wrapping is required. Every new
home needs a new broom! Taking an old broom to a
new home brings any residual bad luck along with it.
Possibly because of it's phallic shape, the broom
became a powerful tool against curses and practitioners
of evil magic. Laid across a threshold, the broom halts
all spells sent to the house or to those who reside within.
Many witches keep a besom by or hanging from their
door to protect the home from unwanted outside
energies. Placed under the pillow, it brings pleasant
dreams and guards the dreamer at the same time.
Besoms have been used by witches to indicate to
other occultists that they were resident, or at work,
by placing a broom outside the door. This is NOT to
say that anyone who has a kitchen broom sitting outside
their door is a witch.
European witches became identified with the broom
and were accused of flying on broomsticks, and this
was considered proof of their alliance with the "dark
powers." Such an act, if it could be performed, would
indeed be supernatural, and therefore "of the Devil" in
the eyes of persecutors, in contrast to the simple healing
and love spells that witches actually performed.
A witch may begin a ritual by sweeping the area
(indoors or out) lightly with the magic broom, while
visualizing the psychic dirt being swept out of the
ritual area. The broom's bristles needn't actually
touch the ground. The sweeping also helps to get the
mind ready for the ritual, quieting thoughts and
narrowing the focus for the witch. The besom is a
purifier and is related to the element of Water. Thus
it is used in all types of water spells including those
of love and psychic workings.
If you wish to make your own magic broom, you
might try the standard old magical formula of an ash
staff, birch twigs and a willow binding. The ash is
protective, the birch purifying, and the willow is
sacred to the Goddess. Of course, a branch from
any tree or bush can be used within the broom. And
while cutting it, make sure to thank whatever tree for
it's sacrifice. A tiny broom of pine needles can be
another alternative.
Suggested plants for making your own broom include,
Yarrow, Cedar, Juniper, fruit tree sprigs and Oak tree
sprigs. If there are certain qualities or capacities you
wish for your broom to carry, do a bit of herbal research
and add whatever additional plants you feel would help
you achieve your goals.
Bundle plants together and tie cut ends together. The
bundle may then be tied to a branch if a longer handle
is desired. Once assembled, sturdier sprigs and branches
can be lacquered to help keep young Quidditch
enthusiasts from damaging their brooms during
enthusiastic matches!