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As I have discussed in previous articles, time frame is one of the most difficult aspects of becoming a good reader. The following is a list of Time Frame Correspondences for the Minor Arcana with the exclusion of the Pages. Pages are predominantly a card of messages and require another card to be drawn for explanation; you would take a time frame reference from the bonus card. Since the exclusion of the Pages means you will be dealing with 52 cards only, like a standard playing card deck, each card covers a one week time period. Weeks are not decided on a Sunday to a Saturday basis, but begin with the first day of the New Year. For example, if New Year’s was on a Friday, the week would run from a Friday to the following Thursday. I recommend sitting down with a calendar and marking each week appropriately. A calendar with proper moon phases on it is the best to work with in ascertaining proper time frame and dates. This system can also be used with regular playing cards.

Week 1:      7 of Cups	        Week 27:	King of Coins
Week 2:	     King of Wands	Week 28:	5 of Swords
Week 3:	     8 of Coins		Week 29:	3 of Coins
Week 4:	     Ace of Cups	Week 30:	Knight of Cups
Week 5:	     5 of Wands		Week 31:	Queen of Cups
Week 6:	     3 of Swords	Week 32:	4 of Wands
Week 7:	     9 of Cups		Week 33:	Ace of Swords
Week 8:	     2 of Wands		Week 34:	9 of Wands
Week 9:	     Queen of Coins	Week 35:	5 of Cups
Week 10      Knight of Swords	Week 36:	8 of Wands
Week 11:     10 of Wands	Week 37:	10 of Coins
Week 12:     4 of Coins	        Week 38:	2 of Cups
Week 13:     2 of Swords	Week 39:	6 of Swords
Week 14:     9 of Coins	        Week 40:	7 of Wands
Week 15:     King of Cups	Week 41:	Knight of Coins
Week 16:     8 of Swords	Week 42:	4 of Swords
Week 17:     6 of Wands	        Week 43:   	6 of Cups
Week 18:     7 of Coins		Week 44:	Queen of Wands
Week 19:     3 of Cups		Week 45:	2 of Coins
Week 20:     10 of Swords	Week 46:	9 of Swords
Week 21:     Knight of Wands	Week 47:	Ace of Coins
Week 22:     10 of Cups		Week 48:	7 of Swords
Week 23:     6 of Coins		Week 49:	5 of Coins
Week 24:     Queen of Swords	Week 50:	3 of Wands
Week 25:     4 of Cups		Week 51:	King of Swords
Week 26:     Ace of Wands	Week 52:	8 of Cups

Time Frame Reference for Major Arcana


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This page was created 2009-02-26.